Amit K Gehlot
Born in India, 1974
1999-2002 Studied at the Indian Institute of Crafts & Design Jaipur, India
Exploring the space and materials, finding their meaning in functional contexts and spatial precincts, Amit Kumar Gehlot is a design professional who started his quest, to understand epitome of professional life through art and design.During 1997, to work as an intern, he applied at an advertising agency in Indore (Madhya Pradesh), and later he got through the Indian Institute of Crafts and Design, (IICD, Jaipur) to experience and learn the skills of being a material explorer and a product designer. During and after graduating from IICD he worked for various studios, export houses, and organisations such as Vivaldi Leather Pvt. Ltd., Aricia India, for more than five years. After which he decided to get back to his true calling and to share his knowledge, learn and experiment in the classroom and start learning with young energetic, and aspiring designers. While teaching at Pearl Academy India, he holded the responsibility of the Course Leader for Foundation Design Department for four years, which had been a very promising commitment, wherein the department has to cater to the fundamental prerequisites for all the other professional cohorts of all the other centers, simultaneously, and with determination. Currently working as Crafts and Design Consultant and also teaching as guest faculty at various leading design schools in India.
Image courtecy:
Mahak Kothari